You would think after nearly eleven years of marriage, I would know better...
Hubby and I established while we were dating, that it was
pointless to go into a Blockbuster together, because our tastes were so different. He went for the action films and the comedy, I went for the romances and dramas. Generally speaking.
We had times where we spent a half hour looking, and actually left the store empty handed, because we couldn't agree. The simple solution? Get
two movies: a Hers movie and a His movie.
Voila! Success!
So, now that you have that bit of plot exposition down, on to the problem at hand:
The movers lost a vital part to my old writing desk. I was so excited to set up my office too. It was going to be MINE. Well, since my desk was in pieces and not going to be fixed, Hubby gallantly volunteered to buy me a new writing desk, and make the office very nice. He would use the computer occasionally, but it would be my writing space, with all my stuff in it.
I said "that's great!" He said "Let's go desk hunting!" We both agreed we wanted dark wood, like Cherry or Walnut. We both agreed we wanted a desk with a hutch, and matching bookcases.
We didn't expect
Blockbuster Syndrome to strike, however, at every store we went to...
We visited Boston Store Furniture, Steinhafels, American, World Market (and found the perfect set, but no desk) and various other small furniture stores. Desks bought: ZERO.
He found a set but the finish was too light. I found a set but it was too cheap for his tastes. We both found a set we LOVED but it was an arm and a leg (and maybe a couple of knees, as well) and I balked at the price and wimped out after the lady had written up everything, and Hubby was not amused.
Four hours and three extremely cranky kids later, we sat and talked about our desk-hunting debacle.
Hubby wants the office to have REAL furniture, that will last until our grandchildren's children have great-grandchildren, or something like that. I'd be happy to buy something at Target for $199 that I put together myself, as long as it looks good.
Ergo, we're at odds again. I am not spending $3000 on
office furniture, for crying out loud. Give me a build-it-yourself desk and slap some plywood bookcases in there, and I'm good.
So, finally, I went online, and found some great stuff. But Hubby said if he has to put it together, it won't last. I told him fine, *
I* will put it together. He said I was missing the point. I told him I wasn't spending a small fortune for that office.
Finally, I told him to find it himself. I said "I don't want to know how much it is, just pick it out and I'll love it."
Basically, we have the same taste, but I'm Mrs. "
Why Buy The Real Thing When You Can Buy Imitation (which is usually just as good)
For 75% Less" and he's Mr. "
I Don't Look At Price Tags, Ever."
As you can see, we balance each other out that way.
So, this weekend, we're hitting the furniture stores, again. I might stay home with the kids. He wants my input, so I'll probably come with him. I just want my office to be done, and soon.
Do you think we'll find