Saturday, April 14, 2007

Another Sad News Day...

Not because I put my pants on backwards and walked around in public for two hours, completely unawares again (I actually took great care to get everything on right side out/forwards today) but Prince William and Kate Middleton have split up.

He's a dork. Ok, maybe they're young, but he isn't going to find a more dignified, classy girlfriend. You really effed up this time, Wills!

In happier news, the snow is all melted, and it's supposed to be warmer than freezing this week.

Hey, I take the good news when I can!


Lara said...

That's what the newspapers are reporting. That HE called it off, but the split was mutual. Who the heck knows. But yeah, she's probably better off--isn't marrying into royalty tatamount to a Life Sentence under a Microscope?

Misty said...

happened upon your blog and had to comment...
Likely she is better off. The comment you made about the microscope is true...

and as a Michigan dweller, I am also ecstatic about the midwest's impending warm up!

Michelle Miles said...

Hm. I haven't heard from you today. Are you in labor???