Of course it's a rather plain backyard right now...no playset or sport court or anything, but it's a new house, so I prefer to think of the backyard as a "blank canvas." I just can't wait until the trees get leaves--then it will look TONS better! We have guys coming next week to remove the mulch from all our flower beds and put edging and stone in them instead--that's our splurge for this year. NEXT year will be all the fun stuff! They told us they would need 16 TONS of rock--I just hope they don't drive on my new driveway with that truck! I'm assuming they'll park on the road and wheelbarrow it up or something...they're not stupid.
OKAY--I took a mile walk with the family yesterday, and by the end I was having such hard contractions I felt like I had a belly of cement. But that was it. Nothing when I got home. (Of course it didn't help having every family we pass make SOME sort of comment on the size of my belly. Yes, I realize I look like two houses stuck together, but I can't help it.) It was GORGEOUS yesterday, sunny, mid-70's and we had all the windows open, rode bikes (well, the kids did, I observed) and then went to the store and came back and played Baseball. We were going to grill, but a new Mexican restaurant opened up down the road, so we went there instead, and ate way too much, and I had the BEST Flan, ever. I really miss Hacienda Colorado, though. Their tortillas are to DIE FOR. There is no equal, anywhere.
It was a great Saturday, and today should be even prettier. 80 DEGREES! I love it when Wisconsin finally decides to warm up! I hope everyone else is enjoying great weather!
Are you really waiting until Thing Two's birthday unveil that treaure that you just bought?? You are stronger than I!
I want one because I heard many of the games are a great work out. Be a fun way to work off this flab I have on me:)
That back yard looks amazing!
Wow, you guys had a great Saturday. Sorry no baby! Two of mine were eleven days overdue! I think they like it in there:)
We are taking the kids to http://www.pacsci.org today for the Grossology thing. It ends soon and we have yet to see it. Should be an interesting day!
Used to drive me nuts when I was pregnant and people state the obvious like that. Oh, like you didn't notice!?? YOU are the beached whale who can hardly move, pees every ten minutes, has heart burn, waddles all over, swollen legs and face and on and on it goes. But thanks for letting me know what I look like peeps, I had NO IDEA!?!?!? ARG!
Oooo...your backyard is GINORMOUS! :) I'm having a blast spending money on the house because I look at it as a future investment and I want it to look nice you know? Of course you do. :)
Isn't this weather fun! We're having the same in Indiana, and it felt FANTASTIC to run around in short sleeves today.
That's not a backyard, that's a field.............
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