You can't see the detail on the "girls" but they have eyes and lips and hair and she spent quite a bit of time on them. Man, I love Playdough!
Today is way too busy for my comfort. Zing the kids off to school, an hour later, playgroup, then lunch, then move all the furniture from the basement rooms and squish it all into the tiled bar area so the carpet guy can come and put in the new carpet (the old carpet looks slightly "pink" under the lights and it's been driving Hubby bonkers) and then I get to pick the kids up from school, run home, get Thing One to change into her Gymnastics leotard, run her to church for her activity, pick her up early and zing her to Gymnastics and then spend an hour refereeing between Things Two and Three as they go bonkers with boredom during her HOUR LONG gymnastics session. I can't leave, and no matter what I bring for them to do/play with, they want to go and do "pretend gymnastics" in the parent viewing area and drive me completely batty.
*WHEW* Then it's home to fix dinner and spend the entire night on the computer because of the STRESSFUL CRAP SITUATION that has curve-balled into my life as of late, and it should be very interesting.
Ergo--today sucks. I just hope I make it. I'm sure I will. I just won't enjoy it much.
1 comment:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope it's a good one, even if you are running all around town! Try to squeeze in one piece of birthday chocolate in there!
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