I was good and worked out this morning, 20 minutes on the bike, 20 on the elliptical. Of course now I'm a perspiring mess and I need to cool down. So I'm blogging.
The kids are downstairs enjoying Thing Two's birthday presents--his favorite is a Transformer from Grandpa and Grandma--I had to delicately lift if from his sleeping arms last night (the little turkey snuck it into his bed after I turned the lights out and left).
I have a busy day today (as usual) but it's a good busy. And Thing Two starts his private swimming lessons today. He is deathly afraid of going under the water, and we need to knock that out of him. So we figured one-on-one would work better than a class of ten. And the private lessons here are relatively cheap, since we're in the district.
Hubby is going to be traveling next week--and I'm looking forward to it for one reason--unlimited night writing time! Woo hoo! I am going to churn out some WORDS next week. Trust me, it's a long time coming. I go through patches where I get caught up in Life, and then I realize that writing is just as much a part of my life as eating and sleeping. I need to write, to keep myself sane.
When I was young, writing in a journal was so cleansing for me, and it helped me vent out all my emotions. As a result, I was healthier.
Last night Hubby told me he'd never begrudge my writing. He said I could "have it all" as long as I plan for Life to go along with it. It surprised me. I always figured he resented the time I spent writing. Well, resented is a harsh word--I felt he didn't understand my need to write. It is pleasant to know that he does, and he supports me. It's not his "thing" but that's OK. As long as I have his support (Heh heh, until the kitchen fills up with dirty dishes, I bet!) that's a good thing.
Okay, philosophical time is over. Got to make some school lunches! And drink about five liters of water...
Same as Devon, here. Not quite that bad, but I can't swim. My kids eventually DID get it, but I need to get them in some private lessons too. My also 7 year old needs one on one. He doesn't like many people around and is convinced they are all watching him constantly and swears they can see every mistake he makes. Thing is, he doesn't make any. He is a natural and at 5 years old was in a class with about 9 10-13 year olds. Anyway, yes, good for you! I Wish I wasn't so afraid.
Great on the writing also. I am glad hubby understands more than you though he did, that is HUGE!
Thanks for reminding me. I need to post my oldest's latest story on my blog. Better do that today!
Glad Thing Two likes his Transformer! CUTE!!!
Well, now I know what Postum is!
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