Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Strange Tale...

I have a crazy story to tell. And it happened to ME!!!

So, we were at Thing Three's soccer game Saturday morning. It was chilly, so I wore jeans with my flip-flops. (I love flip flops--I'd wear them year round if I didn't live in the Frostbite State!)
We watched the game, and drove home. While we were driving, I was telling Hubby about these weird fuzzy caterpillar-like growths we have on the leaves of our oak trees. We got out of the car after parking it in the garage and walked over to the tree, and while we were looking, something started to stick me in the leg. I thought I'd gotten a sticker from a bush or something, but the sticker suddenly became more insistent, and suddenly, it HURT. I grabbed a fistful of jean fabric to pull it away, but it got worse. I ran in the house, suddenly in mortal agony and stripped off my jeans, to find that a YELLOW JACKET had somehow crawled all the way up my pant leg, and he was biting and stinging the crap out of my inner thigh! He was dying, and Hubby squished him and flushed him, and I had three lovely bites/stings on my leg. What gets me, is A) he crawled alllll the way up there without me feeling it and B) he didn't sting me before then. It's not like my jeans were super loose or anything.

The first hour was tough, but eventually the pain subsided. Now I have massive ITCHIES. Those yellow jackets are nasty! They were buzzing around us during the soccer game, that's probably where my adventurous little beastie decided to explore. Niiiice.

Yesterday was lame, but today is fine. No worries. Have a happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Devon Ellington said...

Oh, you poor thing! Feel better soon.