None of my other Things were thumbsuckers. Not one. This is a whole new experience for me. Should I worry?
The rants of a Mommy, Wife, Housekeeper, Laundry Guru (yes, I can get ANY stain out!), Head Nurse, Fridge Stocker, Boo-boo Kisser, Scout Mom, Embarrassing Cheerleader (at my kids' games), Glorified Chauffeur, Expert Microwaver, and yes, along with all that, WRITER!
OMG - talk about SERIOUSLY CUTE! You've got nothing to worry about - except that kid is so charming that he will be spoiled rotten by the world and then some!!!
Must be a fourth kid thing. My fourth did the same thing and the older three never did.
Don't worry AT ALL. We just let her do it and when she was about four, she noticed that other people don't do it. So she started talking about quitting. She kept trying, but could not stop on her own. So I finally remembered to get this stuff called...hmmmm...I can't remember WHAT it is called! LOL But it is a teeny wee little bottle for about $2. I just asked for help at the Target pharmacy and they showed it to me. You dab some of the liquid on the thumb and no worries. Do it every night for a week or two and he will be done. Not for a few years at least of course, but it works great. Smells like nail polish remover and must taste like it. Says it is harmless. She is proud of herself though cause she quit without us making an issue of it and hassling her!
I think it's adorable and was kind of sad that she quit, but of course I supported her decision.
Aw I wouldn't worry. That baby is SO DAMN CUTE I could cry. :)
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