Friday, August 21, 2009


I was at a friend's house yesterday, complaining about how my kids can't flush toilets or turn off lights. She has five kids, and complained of the same thing. Apparently, we ALL go around after the kids go to school and turn off lights in the house, flush toilets, turn off TVs, etc..

THAT is funny. In a sad sort of way. At least I'm not alone!

It's been raining every day. So much so, I haven't been able to mow the lawn. Our lawn is looking "shaggy." I can't stand it. AND we're getting weeds in our abundant flower beds (another bi-product of lots of rain) and it looks like I've got some serious yardwork cut out for me. It's overcast now, but I think I'm going to hop on the lawnmower and mow this morning. I hate mowing wet grass. The bagging unit always gets clogged and I have to stop every other row and unclog it. OR I have to just keep going, and mow the darn lawn twice. Either way, it's about three hours. A serious pain in the neck. Thank heaven I don't have allergies. Poor hubby has to knacker himself up with Claritin and Benadryl before he can even go outside. And poor Thing Three, being out on the soccer fields are wreaking havoc on his allergies, so I have to medicate him before each practice.

Thing Two is like me--zero allergies. He'll probably be the designated lawn mower when he's older. I'm fine with that. :-)

Tonight we're doing the last of our school shopping, and going out to dinner. It will be a nice night, as long as I bring lollipops and toys and assorted "bribery" items for the two-year old. Thing Four is good, but he gets bored very quickly. Case in point, I used to give him those little "dum dum" suckers to keep him occupied whenever he needed to be quiet (Libraries, school concerts, etc.) and now--he needs the Big Stuff: Tootsie Roll Pops. Those at least give me about 15 minutes of compliant silence. And I only break them out when I get really desperate.

Yeah, I'm a bad mom. But I make sure to brush his teeth really well every night! He loves his little "Diego" spin brush. And his Thomas The Train toothpaste. Kids are so fun. :-)

I'll post about my writing woes on the other blog (see sidebar) but for now, I'd better get going on the lawn before it rains again!

Have a happy weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

Lowa said...

Wow, I could never give my kids suckers...the mess that would ensue would be far worse than any fussing toddler! Mine always had goldfish crackers and/or a book or something. Much cleaner...Thing Four must be a tidy little guy.

Dinner...sounds nice. We try to take our four kids out at least once a is just so tight now, we have let that fall by the wayside...need to get on that!

Hope you have a great weekend!