We've been doing it long enough to figure that our "Pumpkin Hour" (or the hour during which we magically turn into a pumpkin and need to go to bed) is 11pm.
It must be psychological or something--because as soon as 10:50 rolls around, suddenly I can't keep my eyes open. If I'm writing, I am typing with one eye closed. If I'm vegging on the sofa with Hubby, I might drift off. (He usually does around 10:30) So, that can only mean one thing:
I'm getting OLD.
Seriously! In college, I never slept. I would stay up studying all night until 3am, then wake up at 6am and study some more, and take a test at 7am. I would write papers until the wee hours of the morning. My roommates and I would giggle all night long and watch movies. And I was fresh as a Spring Morning the next day.
Not any more. Gone are the days when I could stay up all night. When 11pm rolls around, I'm ready for bed. Any later than that, and I start whining. I just can't do it. I'm getting old.
Oh well. Speaking of writing, I got a whopping 4200 words in yesterday! I had a scene I'd been playing in my head for about a month and it just came out effortlessly. And I just kept going after that. I think that's my "cap" for one day. I've only ever written 4k before, and that was a few years ago. There comes a point where my neck aches and I'm fidgety and I've had it. AND I get that "burned out" feeling. So it's time to stop. But look at my word counter! Woo!!!
Well, it's Thursday. The week has gotten away from me again. EEEEK!!!
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! Go, Lara, GO!! :)
I so need to get on the ball. I know I keep saying that. Maybe I need to be my own cheerleader...
To answer my own email to you, Miss Postumdrinker...yes, they don't make Postum anymore! Stopped in the fall of 2007.
Whatcha gonna do?
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