Friday, February 02, 2007

It's COLD!!!!!!

Got into it with Thing One today about her outfit for school. She wanted to wear a denim skirt with leggings, I told her absolutely NOT. I didn't care how cute she looked, she would be frozen within an hour. She pouted and fussed until I asked her if she wanted a frostbitten bum. That did the trick. Today is supposed to be freeze-the-nose-off-a-brass-monkey-cold. Yes, that cold.

Luckily Hubby had my back and commanded her to run upstairs and get some jeans on. She went without saying a word. Now, why couldn't she have been that obedient with me?
Little Stinker.

I had plans to spend a leisurely morning at Barnes & Noble, figuring out how to spend my gift card, but now I'm wondering if I want to brave the cold. But I have to pick up indoor Soccer shoes for the boys' Soccer Clinic this Saturday, so I might as well. Of course Hubby got the entire family all excited about going to the Original Pancake House Saturday morning, and I, Big Bad Mom, had to put the kibosh on all the excitement by reminding him the boys had Soccer between 9 and 9:50.

It's a dilemma for sure. Take the boys to Soccer Camp, or go eat lots of yummy breakfast food...hmmm......

Thing Four is starting to get bigger. MUCH bigger. And I finally decided on a name I really like and Hubby is only lukewarm over it. I told him that since I'm having a tougher pregnancy this time around (I'm not recommending getting pregnant in your mid 30's to ANYONE) I get to name the little tyke, and he can just deal with it.

At least the sun is out! Maybe I will brave the weather...nothing usually stands between me and the purchase of new books! WOO!

Have a good weekend, all, and STAY WARM!


Lowa said...

You go girl!! I wish I had done that. My last pregnancy was when I was only 30, turned 31 nine days before she was born. And I was shocked at the vast difference. I was not as sick, but I ached and was miserable in that way. My hips were was not enjoyable:)

I had a name I wanted and like a dork I agreed to flip a coin. The name my husband wanted was one we had agreed on when we were first married. Since it took so long to end up with a girl, by the time we did I was sick of that name. Alas, that is her name. That is who she is and I can't imagine her being the other name that I loved. But still.

If you ever care to, please e-mail me your kids names some day. LOL I LOVE names and would love to know, if you want to tell me. I'll tell you MY kids names if you will tell me your's! LOL

Hang in there. When are you due again?? I am sure we don't get pictures either, right?? *sniff* :)

Michelle Miles said...

You SHOULD. Go for Finn. ;)