Thursday, March 09, 2006

Miss Snarky...

I've been looking through a lot of books lately, dealing with the subject I'm writing about for What Was Lost... and I have to say, my perspective has broadened SO much during my research. Yesterday I had a moment where I was like "A HA! I never looked at it that way!" and actually felt stupid because I had gone my whole life with a rather narrow view of events the way they might have happened.
This is why I love research. It broadens my (somewhat sheltered) world just a little more, and my perspective changes. Which can be a good thing.

I've also discovered that Thing One is a sixteen-year old masquerading in an 8-year old's body. GEESH. That girl is a piece of work. And we've been clashing a lot lately. I can't STAND it when she's "shirty" with me, and talks back. And I've been told it will only get worse.
What is it? A Ticking Timebomb Talkback gene? As soon as she turns eight, she becomes Miss Snark? Well, I won't stand for that. She's EIGHT for Cripes sake.

Of course she's too old to swat on the backside, so I've employed other methods. Time outs, denial of privileges, soap on the tongue for snotty speech (I will say I was talking with another mom the other day and she makes her daughter drink a tablespoon of vinegar--because she wants her to realize the "ick" she's dishing out. Wow, can we all just say UGH?)

Although after the lip Thing One gave me yesterday about how she was NOT going to wear the fuzzy earmuffs to school, made me actually consider the whole dosing-with-vinegar thing.
She does have her moments of sweetness. But they're like bad smells--they up and vanish on the wind VERY quickly...and her alter ego (who I like to call "Grumpy Gertie" or "Petunia Piddlefart") comes out in full force.

My mom says I was like this when I was younger. Go figure. What goes around, comes around, right?

Hope everone has a good (and snark free!) Thursday!

1 comment:

Lowa said...

My oldest is working on a story and showed me five chapters last night. He says it needs more editing and revision and then he wants me to post it on my blog. Check for that if you are interested. He says he will start a novel within the next few months. Has been jotting down ideas as they come to him. He loves writing and used to fight me tooth and nail on it. Guess he caught the bug!

I am guarnteed a snark free Thursday:) My snarky kid went to work with my hubby today:) TEEHEE!! Much as I love the child, a day without time outs every half hour (he is almost 11 and just...UGH) eyes rolling, huge dramatic sighs, etc will be pure bliss. The oldest will be in his weekly classes, so I can totally focus on my younger two. We plan to go to the kids' museum, park, out to lunch, etc etc. I can't wait for a good day with them! Just the two of them together is awesome. They are so sweet and get along so well!!!

My only girl is like your's already:( Sometimes. And she is only 5. WHAT EVER SHALL WE DO!?!?!?!?