I've been too "scared" of NaNo for too long. And I know it's something I can accomplish. In order to be a NaNo winner, you need to write 50,000 words in 30 days, during the month of November. Sounds easy, right? Well, it's not as easy as it seems. Especially if you're not prepared. Or wholly committed to making the time each day to write.
I have decided I AM. I've recently written a novel of over 60K in 45 days, so I know it's an achievable goal.
Sure, I'm a busy mom. I have four kids (one of them is 16 months) and they're all in extracurricular activities and sports, and my Hubby is an always-traveling workaholic, but you know what? I want to do this. For myself. I can make the time, whether during nap time, or at night. I just need to be smart and efficient. AND NOT A PERFECTIONIST. That's a muscle I'll want to use. I am the type to revise a chapter until I feel it's right. Can't do that with NaNo. It's basically an organized stream-of-consciousness thing. NO editing. That will be weird. But it will also help me to get more done in a shorter time, if I'm not stopping to re-read and fix stuff.
I have a good support group. One of my good friends is determined to do it, too. It's always good to have that common denominator. We can cheer each other on!
Of course you can do it. I've found that each year gets easier, and the word count goes up. Like I said yesterday, it's working the writing muscle.
okay I can't get the effing word verification thing to work so I'm gonna try ONE more TIME...
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