Anyway, I am going to make about 4 tons of sugar cookies and the kids and I will have fun decorating them. And we'll have a bonfire tonight outside in the fire pit--with hot cider and doughnuts. Mmmm!
And then, at MIDNIGHT...I'll start writing!!! WOO HOO! NaNo will have officially begun.
Yesterday was a weird day--Thing One had a high fever and a sore throat. So, I put her to bed with medicine and she was whiny and impossible, but today, she seems fine?? That is strange. She's currently in the kitchen making scambled eggs and pancakes. I told her to WASH HER HANDS REALLY WELL.
Also, I got a rejection from my dream publisher in the mail. As soon as I saw that large envelope in the mailbox with my handwriting on it, my heart sank.
It happens. I was shooting for the Moon, and really I should be somewhere up in the trees. So, I'll polish up another submission (thank heaven they accept everything electronically--this last publisher did everything by snail mail!) and send it off this weekend. I refuse to let this rejection get me down, because frankly...it was a long shot. But I'm all about long shots. Because there's chance in everything...
It's NaNo's Eve! I have outlined and plotted, made up stuff and I woke up this morning at 4am with a headache soooo bad I took one of my prescription painkillers to get rid of it quickly. So, I'm a little woozy. I seriously thought my right eye was going to explode--and the pounding was unbearable. But I'm better now. And I have the first three sentences of my story, playing over and over in my head, so when I actually DO start writing them, it will be effortless.
I have a good support group (it's small but choice) and a great mentor, who has been around the NaNo block many times and will inspire me. I am set!
Oh I hope your head feels better. I made sure to get to bed early last night so I could stay up late tonight. I'm so excited about this!!!
I put you down for "activity #7" - look at my blog and you'll see what I mean. Happy Halloween! And have fun starting your writing tonight.
I'm glad the fever and sore throat wasn't too serious. Kids are more resilient, I suppose.
I'm so sorry about the rejection. I know how devastating they can be. But time will make you feel better.
Have fun with Nano!
I'm so sorry about the rejection. All I can say is it's THEIR loss, their poor insight. It'll become one of those funny anecdotes that you tell on one of the talk shows when you've published a set of books and can laugh about how silly they were to pass you over.
Imagine how all those 22 previous publishers are kicking themselves for turning down the first HP!
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