Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's COLD Outside...

First off, I want to give a SHOUT OUT to my good friend, (who knows who she is!). May the Heavens and/or Karma/The Force/Good Luck/Zeus/Fortune/St. Whateverhernameisforgoodluck smile on you this day!!!

Okay, so, It's officially cold outside. I had to move to the elliptical yesterday, instead of taking a walk with the baby. Can I just say I about died on the elliptical after 20 minutes? Yes, I realize the range of motion is different, but I climbed hills and went backwards and forwards and all sorts of things I don't normally do.

I'm thinking it's better for me in the long run. Of course I'd love to be outside and enjoy the fall scenery (the trees are starting to change) but I don't need the baby to catch Pneumonia. Plus concentrated exercise is always good. I need to start my weight training again. I love how strong it helps me feel.

Thing One had her first basketball practice yesterday. She loved it. She's with all her friends in 5th grade (fifteen girls total) and we had a parent meeting last night and I think this will be a great coach/program. Plus, anything that keeps her active is good. Except the crossover with soccer won't be fun. But soccer ends mid October so we'll be only missing one bball practice a week.

I have absolutely NOTHING pressing today. No sports, no cubs, no meetings or activities, just a plain Tuesday with no fixings. I am going to work on my no-longer walk-in closet so I can walk in it again, and get some writing/research in. It should actually be a nice day! Except for all the stress on the news. I want to turn it off, but I'm riveted. I don't EVER watch tv during the day, but this stuff stresses me out!

ps. Got my decorations up yesterday! I'm feeling festive!!


Michelle Miles said...

I got my harvest wreath out and my light-up pumpkin. It added a dash of Halloween. However, it's still freaking HOT here. 80s for the high. BLAH

I like no stress days. I wonder what's that like? Maybe I'll have them again soon...

Anonymous said...

No stress days?

I'm not familiar with that term.

It's supposed to be autumn here, but no, mid-eighties. After I put away all my summer clothes, of course.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes "nothing pressing" is the best place!