The weekend was quiet. We found THE BEST PIZZA DOUGH RECIPE HANDS DOWN on the internet, it is perfect for our family. It makes two large pizzas and a tray of breadsticks! But since we only manage to eat ONE pizza, it might be big, now that I think of it...but if anyone is interested let me know and I'll share.
We had only one soccer game, and they played Thing One wayyy too much. She was a starting forward, and the coach kept putting her in. By the end of the game, she could hardly run. I knew she was tired when she got called out and she (very theatrically, I might add) flopped down in the grass and acted like she was dead. She's never done that.
Oh well, at least the coach recognizes her skills. :-)
I am going to have to wipe my computer. I ordered the disks from HP on Friday, so I'll have them soon. I don't want to do it, but I can't get rid of this nasty hijacking trojan. I've never had this problem before. EVER. So frustrating. A word of warning: NEVER google anything that has the word "dolls" in it. I foolishly googled "Legend of Zelda Link Paper dolls template" and got the nasty porn bomb when I clicked on one of the hits. UGH.
I am getting dangerously close to submission on my story. I hope to have my query and sample chapters in the mail by the end of this week...and then the nail biting begins. Since it's LDS fiction, there's only a handful of publishers I can submit to, so I'm starting at the very tippity top, and unfortunately, this publisher DOES NOT accept e-queries (only snail mail) and they take a minimum of eight weeks to get back to you. I'm still trying to figure out which shenanigans I can pull to get me farther up in the slush pile, and I think I've come up with something. I'll let you all know if it works. ;-)
Happy Monday! I've decided, at the prompting of one of my readers, to outline a sequel (just in case) and I'm going to start work on one of my other YA novels that I've had percolating for a while. Enough to keep this momma busy for a while!
I'd love the pizza dough recipe. As soon as it cools down here (we're still in the low 80s) I plan to bust out the pizza stone.
I'll trade you one roasted chicken recipe for your pizza dough recipe. :D
If they don't take that story, they're insane. I hope you get it published. Have you thought of maybe some Christian publishers, too? In case the LDS ones reject you (WHICH THEY WON'T!).
I sent you an email on how to get rid of your virus.
I wish you lots of luck with your new book.
I'll take a pizza dough recipe! And I'll take a roasted chicken recipe, too Michelle! :) I think I can scrape one up to send your way...
This pic scares me so much because I know it's a matter of time for me too. Eek!
If you have MacAfee, you can set the "Site Advisor", which will tell you which Google sites are safe and which aren't, BEFORE you click.
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