My neighborhood is funny. We always wait--for that one neighbor to get her Halloween stuff up (because we wonder how early is "too early") and once that one neighbor gets her Halloween stuff out, like a herd of lemmings, we all follow suit. Usually within a day or two.
Well, the "I-Decorate-Early" neighbor has officially put her stuff out. Pumpkins (why do people stick jack-o-lantern heads on their lightposts--isn't this a fire hazard?) hay bales, scarecrows, corn stalks, window decals, fake spiderwebs, ghosts in the trees, you name it. So, now, like some psychological lemming urge, I feel *I* must get my Halloween/Thanksgiving stuff out, too.
But I am not a crazy decorator. You won't see tombstones in my front yard. (Mostly because I'd have to move them every time I mow the lawn and it bugs me to no end when they fall over). I just usually stick a harvest-looking wreath on my front door and some fake pumpkins and hay bales on my doorstep and call it a day.
Yeah, I'm the Lemming with the floatie in the picture above. Everyone else goes whole hog. We're talking ORANGE Halloween lights in the bushes, big blow-up collapsible witches and ghosts on the lawn, and everything. I prefer to keep my decor--dignified, thank you. Simple and clean.
Except Christmas. Then I lay it on thick. :-) No floaties for me!
This week is cruising. I have to write and research during the day, now, because night is taken up with snuggling with Hubby on the couch and watching recorded shows. Some of them are soooo good, too.
Time to go dig out some tubs of decorations! It's almost October!!!!!
I usually put my harvest wreath out and my light-up jack-o-lantern on the porch and call it done. LOL
We have a big gigantic blow-up ghost we put in the front yard on October 1. Then the kids to jack-o-laterns at the end of the month.
But your Halloween decorations are very simple, tasteful and beautiful.
My friend Cathryn is the "decorate-for-halloween-way-early" person too, but her b-day is Oct. 30, so it's kind a big deal for her.
This year we actually debated whether or not to carve pumpkins. Dan wasn't really enthusiastic about it, but of course I really wanted to. Well, he surprised me the other day by buying a really cool pumpkin carving set, so between that and the October issue of the Martha Stewart magazine (my favorite one besides the December issue), we'll come up with some cute things to put up on our deck this year. :D
My birthday is the first of October. THAT is what I am excited about:)
I am the same as you, don't do much for this but LOVE Christmas. I love fall stuff, not Hallowe'en. We don't do the jack-o-lanterns until a week or so before the 31st. But I have some fall stuff up. Love the fall or Harvest stuff:)
Oh sorry about all your spills, by the way. That is certainly not fun! Although admittedly...reading about it is kind of entertaining:) And that is just because you are such a great writer:)
I usually wait until Oct. 1 to put up the decorations, but I think I'll do it this Sunday, because I'm away next week.
I love seasonal decorations. I'd switch things every month if I could.
All those crazy-over-the-top halloween decorations are a midwest thing. It sure makes for fun trick-or-treating. I bought orange colored icycle lights when we lived in Chicago, but didn't have the nerve to hang them anywhere else in the U.S. If I lived closer, I would mail you mine. I certainly won't need them now since they don't even celebrate Halloween here. Bummer.
I think doing it too early seems more like cashing in on the whole thing and takes away the spirit from it. But then I'm a grump. Personally, there's nothing I look forward to more every year than hiding in the dark while my house is pelted by eggs, by the kids who I won't open the door to. ;-)
Mind you, there's a shop in Glasgow that put up a Christmas Tree a couple of weeks ago. Seriously.
I think you should wait until October at least. It's next week you know.
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