Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Taking a Break...

I've decided, due to recent events, that it's time for a small break. Wayyyy too much on my plate, unfortunately, and I would love to blog, but I am going to try and stay away from the computer (actually, INTERNET) to get accomplished what I need to for the next little while.

The blog will resume on Wednesday, August 30th. Until then, Au Revoir, my dahlinks!

Have a fabulous two weeks!

(And to my friend, Jenni, who is going to Florence, look up the Pencione Bertolini for me! Have fun!)



Lowa said...


I always have withdrawal when you are gone.

I understand, though. Have a great break and I hope you get caught up on stuff.

Saw Barnyard today, by the way. And HATED it! LOL Even my kids sat with their jaws dropped. I had no idea how sad it would be and violent (coyotes) and...DUMB. LOL Some funny parts, like you said. My fave guy was the mouse. I knew it was bad if even the kids didn't like it.

Anyway, just FYI:)

Unknown said...


How COULD you???

J/K. Hope everything settles down for you!! Good luck!

See you on the 30th!

Michelle Miles said...

WAAAAA. I will miss your blog. I'll be thinking of you! :)

Ann said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto - I'll miss your blog! But good luck getting stuff caught up.