The blog will resume on Wednesday, August 30th. Until then, Au Revoir, my dahlinks!
Have a fabulous two weeks!
(And to my friend, Jenni, who is going to Florence, look up the Pencione Bertolini for me! Have fun!)
The rants of a Mommy, Wife, Housekeeper, Laundry Guru (yes, I can get ANY stain out!), Head Nurse, Fridge Stocker, Boo-boo Kisser, Scout Mom, Embarrassing Cheerleader (at my kids' games), Glorified Chauffeur, Expert Microwaver, and yes, along with all that, WRITER!
I always have withdrawal when you are gone.
I understand, though. Have a great break and I hope you get caught up on stuff.
Saw Barnyard today, by the way. And HATED it! LOL Even my kids sat with their jaws dropped. I had no idea how sad it would be and violent (coyotes) and...DUMB. LOL Some funny parts, like you said. My fave guy was the mouse. I knew it was bad if even the kids didn't like it.
Anyway, just FYI:)
How COULD you???
J/K. Hope everything settles down for you!! Good luck!
See you on the 30th!
WAAAAA. I will miss your blog. I'll be thinking of you! :)
Ditto, ditto, ditto - I'll miss your blog! But good luck getting stuff caught up.
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