Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Feeling better now because an exasperated mother (with a daughter my daughter's age) griped to me yesterday about her daughter's newfound "sassy tongue." I told her it's normal. It HAS to be.
As soon as a girl turns eight (and in some girls, it's earlier) there is a "Sassy Gene" that surges to the forefront, and she becomes a whining, complaining smart mouth. Thank heaven I only had one girl. My boys are so much far.

Hubby just left for L.A. this morning, so I have three nights of watching chick flicks. Woo hoo! I can actually WATCH a Jane Austen film without the annoying snoring noise and the resulting "snapping awake" ten minutes before the film ends (where Hubby asks me to recount the entire plot and what he missed, at which point I am tempted to "Fly him the Bird" because he's a frustrating typical MAN).


I finished Posie Graeme-Evans' "The Innocent" yesterday (another chronic case of Couldn't-Put-The-Book-Down-itis) and I will say it was a little "spicy" for my taste, but I loved the attention to detail and the extraordinary medieval world Evans created. This woman knows her stuff.

So my goal for the next few days is Spring Cleaning (wait, didn't I do that already? Oh, that was last year, darn it) and I HATE Spring Cleaning but one must do it. And I refuse to hire a cleaning service because I can do it myself (sort of) and frankly, I'm spoiled enough.

I think I'm going to indulge in a visit to Barnes & Noble today while all three of the kids are in school (Thing Three will be for two and a half hours) and since there is no school Friday and they will undoubtedly drive me crazy, I am going to relish some alone time. Gotta get it where I can, you know?


Lowa said...

That sounds great but doesn't work in some instances. Maybe you can help me too Devon?? LOL

Like when you are somewhere for hours. You can't rush home and banish them and NOT get all the errands accomplished. When they are toddlers and get upset, you can leave the store/restaurant or whatever. It seems a bit easier. Somehow plan to get things done another time. However, that can't always be done.

When you have four, as I do. It is hard to keep straight who was sassy, when, about what, to whom, etc etc. Then another starts. How do you keep track of it all??

If Lara's daughter is sassy on the way to school, then what?? Does she not go to school?? DOes she banish her at the end of the day when she returns from school?? The infraction won't likely be remembered.

My daughter is 5 and has recently gotten a "look". This look is SO SNOTTY that it makes me want to smack her face. Can you imagine?? Feeling such a horrible urge?? But that is how this look affects me.

This parenting thing is a lot rougher than I EVER imagined!

Janie said...

well soccer mom, i'm glad you think your girl is harder to raise. I suppose it depends on the child, I hear girls are sassy and demanding, but my 3 boys are not easy. They have destroyed at one time or another various things in my home, they fight, they get in trouble at school, I suppose it's just different kinds of problems. I always wanted a girl, but have 3 boys. 22, 15, and 7.
The girls i see can be a little annoying and demanding, but the boys ( incl. son's friends) are brutal. I suppose the destructiveness is the worst. They've broken a lot of my furniture, and I told my teenage son--I can't wait until they are all moved out. I'll miss them, but I want to buy nice furniture.

Ann said...

And just wait til she's a teenager.....!