Didn't get any writing done this weekend (surprise surprise) but I've decided that if I just SIT MY REAR DOWN and do it, it will happen.
Of course today the kids are back in school after a two week break, and I'm sad to say I'm relieved.
But I have a lady coming this morning to help me hang window treatments and then I have to do the dry cleaners, grocery shopping, and make schedules and a stoplight system for the youngest two, because I'm tired of asking them more than once to do things. (More like SEVEN times!)
It's like I heard somewhere, as soon as they turn five, they go deaf and you become invisible. Well, I won't have that. I have too much of my dad in me. ;-)
Okay, time for a rant: Rabbits. I have too many of those d*** things eating my lawn and bushes! Things are blooming now and the grass is turning green, except in the back yard, there are all these roundish yellow dead spots--and if you look closely, you see Rabbit turds. The bloody things are eating my lovely lawn! Just this morning I looked outside to make sure the sprinklers went on (heh heh, it took Hubby a while to figure out the system--we're not used to it) and there were two rabbits sitting on our lawn, munching away. Since I was in a state of er...considerable undress...I picked up one of my kids' shoes and opened the sliding back door and hucked it at the rabbits.
It didn't phase them. They just paused, looked at the shoe, and bent back down to their business.
This for some reason really ticked me off, so I ran upstairs and threw on a shirt and some capris, ran back downstairs, and ran outside. This time, they scattered. They ran around the side of the house, and I found them, each one hiding behind an air conditioner unit. So I ran around and chased them out and they went under the fence. I blocked their access hole (like that will do any good) and complained to Hubby when I went back inside. He just chuckled at me and told me that the day before I was gushing about how cute they were. Yeah. Cute like blood-sucking leeches. You mess with MY lawn--you are no longer cute. You are the Enemy. Rabbits be warned. I WILL take action...
*Ahem* Well, time to get the kids ready for school. I hope I can squeeze some writing in today, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it isn't going to happen.
SHOOT THEM??????!!!!
I could never shoot a rabbit. As annoying as they are, I was thinking more along the lines of putting something on my grass that makes it unappealing to them...
This makes me think of the Wallace and Grommit (two 'm's or two 't's??) movie that came out recently.
I ADORE rabbits, but can understand you being annoyed.
I agree with Devon. One of my sons has a BB gun and when he shot his first bird and it actually died, he seemed shocked and very upset.
He also has a slingshot and seems fascinated with these type of things. Yet he can't bring himself to actually hurt anything alive. Which is fine by me!!! Just has fun shooting at targets he draws up and tapes to huge boxes.
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