Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sorry, Folks...

Not feeling particularly splendiferous today. Feeling a tad unappreciated, actually. Hence, I'm not my usual cheerful (ranty?) self. Will be better tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Love, kisses and hugs to you.

WE appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on and snap out of it! I need my daily dose of "Ramblings"!

Anyhow, what Devon says. Hugs and much love coming your way!

Anonymous said...

Your having a bad day? How is this possible? Are you human afterall?

Anonymous said...

Well, I for one appreciate you. I wouldn't get through certain rantings with out you, my dear partner in ranting crime! Love you and call me if you need to!

Anonymous said...

...and I love you and appreciate you! You are the mother of my grandchildren!!!! :-)

Also, you are a talented, funny and all around great person!


Lowa said...

Hope you feel better soon, Lara.

I think you need to try and make more time for yourself. It does wonders for a person and will make people REALLY appreciate you.

Go on Strike and see what happens then. I got myself a coupon book and present coupons so the hubby and kids have to pamper me, let me sleep, bring me treats, etc. I love to do the same for them, but need it myself sometimes, you know?? They feel special caring for Mom sometimes.