Friday, September 21, 2007

It's Friday Already?

Where did the week go? Dang it went by fast. Yesterday was a pretty lame day, so I won't bother telling about it. Thanks for the kind comments--I was feeling sort of neglected, but only by my own family. Although I felt bad for Hubby--he worked a long day, then had to RUN home and mow the lawn and bag all the grass himself (the kids usually help) because we were all at soccer practice. Then the personal trainer came. He didn't have a moment to breathe. So we're at odds. He's feeling rushed and pressed for time, I am feeling neglected and alone and bored.

And the twain never shall meet...except on weekends. Weekends are our sanctuary. They are OURS. Family time that you just don't mess with. Although I have to say this weekend is kind of taken up because we have soccer games and a birthday party and the Primary Program at church on Sunday. Lots of running around. I like naps. Naps are cool.

Gotta get my 8am workout out of the way, and then it's the "Friday Clean." Dusting, vacuuming, mopping the wood floors. Then after lunch I might get some words in on the WIP. Of course, Thing Four has to figure in on all of this--if he's good I'll get it done. If he's not...well...I won't get much done. But he's a good baby. Too good, in fact. Mellow and sweet. Hardly cries, happy and cheerful. Except for that Happy Screaming thing...

Have a good weekend, everyone! I will be my usual sarcastic self on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Just be who you are. We love all the sides of Lara . . .

Enjoy your weekend.

Michelle Miles said...

I hope you're feeling better. I didn't have a moment to breathe yesterday or I would have emailed you. It was hectic.

Ann said...

Bummer - hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine how frantic your life must be right now...