Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Quote of the Day: "Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?"-- Stupidest Question of the Month

Speaking of rain, ENOUGH already! Well, apparently we were in a drought until last week, so the rain is welcome, but all the Tennis lessons and T-ball games have been cancelled for two weeks running at this point. Looks like this week will be more of the same.

Last night was scary. Well, sort of. All day long Thing Two was running up the stairs telling me about Tornado warnings on the TV. They weren't for our county, so I told him not to worry. (Which is about as easy as telling the Pope not to wear a tall hat--Thing Two is OBSESSED with a Tornado coming and hitting our house and sucking it away into the sky, click here to see what I mean).

Well, last night, after Hubby and I had put the kids to bed, a tornado warning came on the TV, for OUR county. (Thank Heaven Thing Two was asleep!) But we naturally became a bit nervous because all the bedrooms are on the top level of the house. So I told Hubby to go to bed (he has an early start every morning) and I said I'd stay up and listen for tornado alarms until the warning had expired (which was around 12:15 a.m.)

So I got to writing. I wrote and wrote on this novel (that is apparently writing itself, because I wrote another 2000 words in under two hours to make my grand total for the day 5200K) and I was typing away at around midnight in my office when I heard it: the distinct sound of the Tornado horn.

Adrenaline kicked in, and I ran upstairs and flipped on the light switch that turns on every light in the upstairs hallway (Hubby put in REVEAL lightbulbs in the lamps so it is literally BLINDING at night) and Hubby sprang out of bed (poor thing, he was dead asleep) and helped me carry the kids down to the guest bedroom in the basement, where we put all three of them into the large bed. Then we grabbed the dog and hunkered down, waiting to see what happened.

Obviously we weren't hit by a tornado--I don't know if one actually ever touched down close to us, but we had severe thunderstorms ( you know, like the ones in the movies) and we only moved the kids back up several hours later when we knew it was safe.

So, I'm dead again once more, having gotten only 3 hours of sleep. I made Hubby sleep on my side of the bed again (see previous post) and he slept like a log, but I was uncomfortable because his side of the bed doesn't "feel" right. You know how when you slip on someone else's shoes, they feel weird on your feet because they've worn in the right places to fit the previous wearer's foot exactly? That's how Hubby's side of the bed feels.

I guess I'm doomed to Zombiedom for a while--at least until this heat wave passes.


Michelle Miles said...

Scary. But could you send some of that rain my way? It's a drought down here. The ground is cracking so bad, there are wide black chasms in the yard. (But I'm watering the foundation every night to keep from having THAT crack into a wide chasm).

Glad everyone is okay and HOLY COW in your word count. YOU GO GIRL! :)

Colin said...

Glad to hear you never got hit by that tornado. Ever since that film which had the witch with red and white tights and the wee wizard man in a shed, I've always been scared of them!