Every personal trainer I have ever had, every doctor, every health-conscious friend, has told me "cut out soda, it's bad for you." Problem is, I'm in lust/love/hopeless twitterpation with the stuff. Coke Zero. Cherry Coke Zero. Diet Coke with Lime. Diet Mountain Dew. Diet Sundrop. Pepsi Max. Pepsi One. Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. There's nothing better than a tall frosty glass of fizzy goodness on ice--a few times a day.
Imagine my chagrin when I realized that if I want to "get healthier," I need to cut out three things (according to my mom, who has lost 190 pounds and has a new lease on life). Those three things are:
1) Soda
2) Sugar
3) All carbs except whole grain
For someone whose diet consists mainly of soda, sugar, and bad carbs, this will be a challenge. I've started small. I cut out soda on Wednesday. It was awful. Headaches, a general feeling of wanting to cry, etc. Yesterday was easier, but instead of "getting a drink" at Target like I usually do, I got a bottle of water. Wasn't the same, but oh well. New Good Friend didn't even last two days. She was doing this with me, but she folded and had a diet coke yesterday. So, I'm going it alone. I figure I'll try an experiment. Of the three, I love carbs the most, so this week, it's soda. Next week, I'm cutting out soda plus sugar. The week after that, I will cut out carbs. I will be soda, sugar and carb free, for three months. I know, I'm picking the WORST time of year to start a diet like this, but moving really stressed me out, and when I stress out, I eat.
It doesn't help that I have neighbors who get up as early as 4:30 to work out. They are all highly motivated, fit people. I am...not.
Gotta start somewhere, right? But the soda thing has been hard. I now know what a person trying to quit smoking feels like. I want to knock down the woman next to me in the parking lot, fight her for her fountain drink, and suck it down. I wouldn't even care if it was mostly ice-coke. I'd still love it.
Give me strength.