The first bite was awful. The second bite was...well...shame on me for even taking a second bite. You taste the fake blueberry flavor for about a nanosecond, and then the AFTERTASTE kicks in--a nasty bitterness that belongs to certain breeds of Amazonian beetles when you eat them. Only if you're lost in the jungle and starving and you're desperate enough to eat them.
I think you get my drift. DO NOT try this cereal. BLECH.
I am feeling much better, although I did overdo yesterday. I did 50 minutes of Yoga, and hurt my neck. Yes, I know, I use a Yoga DVD because I don't know the poses by heart, yet, and I have to TURN MY HEAD to see what they're doing on the TV, and I I'm in the middle of a difficulte pose and the instructor says: "NEVER TURN YOUR HEAD WHILE IN THE SUCH-AND-SUCH POSE" and I got mad because I was totally turning my head to look at the TV screen. Almost immediately afterward, even while I was finishing up in Relaxation/Corpse Pose-- the headache started. At the base of my skull--it was the worst. I finally had to take what was probably an illegal dose of Advil to get rid of the pain. It's still a little sore this morning, but I will baby it today.
I am a VERY conservative Republican (bet you'd never have guessed, ha ha) but I am going to watch the swearing-in today because it is historic. I have to give kudos to Obama, because he's inheriting, frankly, a mess. I wish him well. I just wish my taxes weren't going up.
Have a happy Tuesday, all!
The box of Blueberry Frosted Mini-Wheats still sits on my shelf, at your suggestion. All that's missing is one bowl's worth. I tried it an unfortunate time, my first trimester. I puked it up. I haven't been able to try it again, nor do I think I ever shall. Tragic. It was good the first time down...
Funny public service announcement! I'm so sick of corn flakes and muesli that I might actually enjoy any nasty cereal...Waffle Crisp comes to mind. I'll keep a note to not try Blueberry Special K this summer. Call the 1-800 number on the side of the box, tell them how nasty it is, and they will most likely give you coupons for a free box of cereal.
Oh, and I'm still alive after a full week of illegal doses of Advil. Go for it!
EW. It sounds gross. I will beware of the Special K. However, have you had the Special K wheat crackers? They're sort of like Wheat Thins and they are DELISH.
You poor thing. I hope the neck is better today. I've been thinking I need to get me a Yoga DVD. I just don't know which one to get...
I will probably catch the highlights of the inauguration but that's it. Not really interested in it. Yeah, he's inheriting a mess but I worry about his foreign policy. I hope we don't have another 9/11.
Thanks for the cereal warning!
Do your kids have tennis balls? This is what my acupunturist has me do: Take two tennis balls and put them in a sock. Lie down and rest the base of your skull on the tennis balls for about 15 minutes. It will hurt, it will be sore, but it will release those pressure points.
Actually, that Blueberry Special K looks SCARY. I lifted it up and put it back because it looked too fake.
I eat very little cereal anyway, because I think most of it is vile (although it is easy in the morning) -- thanks for the heads-up. I will avoid this one.
Kashi has one with blueberries that's not too bad, although a lot of their cereal tastes like eating sticks.
Post has something or other with cranberries that's really good.
Heh heh--I'm with you on Kashi--it always tastes like pencil shavings to me!
Agreed. I had to go online and see what people were saying about Special K Blueberry. It is the nastiest thing I have ever tasted. What were they thinking???? Completely disgusting.
I actually thought blueberry cereal was okay. Ive had worse like the special k that had the strawberries..utterly disgusting. And the just plain special k which is blech. Now the blueberry is an improvement. I eat it daily.
Actually I think it's pretty good... but of course everyone has different taste buds, and there is definitely a weird after taste but it's not that bad enough to make me stop eating it.
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