I am antsy, because organizing takes TIME. A LOT of time. For instance, I spent four hours yesterday, completely organizing and cleaning my walk-in pantry. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I found in there. And I was very sad to have to toss quite a bit of stuff that was WAY past the expiration date. We're talking stuff that expired in 2007. Yeah, gotta get rid of that stuff.
So, now my pantry is fabulous, and everything is organized and up-to-date (I even lugged stuff from the basement food storage up to fill in) and I am very happy with it.
But that was just ONE thing. You know how many closets and "stuff spaces" I have? How many drawers and cabinets?
Okay, that felt better. It's going too slow. I want my house to be "Instant" organized. When I do it right, it takes too long. It's worse than Crosstitching. Seriously.
I went to my "other" favorite place yesterday, Home Depot. I got all those curly-lasts-nine-years-uses-less-wattage lights and changed out most of the bulbs on my first floor. It really is amazing that now I've lit about nine lamps and I'm only using the equivalent of TWO of the old regular bulbs. That ROCKS. (Since I got home and saw my energy bill for December and immediately started screaming in horror, something needed to be done.)
I also have ants in my pants because the publisher I've submitted to is S-L-O-W. They told me they take up to six months to respond. It's now been two. Does it REALLY take six? More ants in the pants...
It rained and froze, and my driveway is literally an ice rink. I was telling my friend yesterday I should just Zamboni the durn thing and let people skate on it. It's CRAZY. I have to put my car in 4X4 Low just to get down it. Scary. And it is still about twelve degrees, all day. Yep, it's January!
So, I'm antsy because things take time. But I suppose all the hard work makes them worth it? Who knows. I just want them DONE. I guess I need to just take a chill pill.
For your viewing pleasure, here is Thing Four, thinking he wants to be a Knight...

1 comment:
I'm the same way. I'm a hurry-up kinda gal myself. I LOVE getting organized but I hate the mess it makes and the time it takes. I have to do that myself very soon. I have the "Disaster Closet" that I need to empty and organize and I'm not really looking forward to it.
It's only be TWO months since you submitted??? That's it? Dang.
And that baby is an adorable knight. :)
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