Monday, December 01, 2008

Peace and Quiet

*Sigh* I almost don't know what to do with myself!

The last two weeks have been...nothing short of CRAZY. INSANE. Whatever word you can think of. But I got through them, and I'm here. Kids are at school, Hubby is back to work, and it's just me and Thing Four, and a quiet house.

It's actually sort of...weird.

I had gotten used to the constant chaos. I had gotten used to never being on the computer, and literally being busy from morning until wee hours of the morning again. (They LOVED late-night movies!)

And we have snow now...lots of snow. Hubby and I were busy with the snowblowers last night, and I can't really move my arms, they are so sore. I am going to attempt getting the Christmas decorations up this week, and that should be fun. I'm pacing myself.

I have decided I want to edit the NaNo story, but first, I have to finish it. Apparently it needs a little more "telling." 50K words just wasn't all the story. So, I will finish it while I have the momentum going, and edit, and see what happens. Maybe it will end up in a file, or a drawer. But hey, at least I did it!

Now I am itching to work on my sequel--and I broke down and went to B&N last week and bought "Archaeology for Dummies" and I'm using that as a reference.

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving! Happy December First!


Anonymous said...

Oh, the snow! It's beautiful but you can keep it. I can remember how nasty it looks after it gets dirty and piled high in parking lots. ICK!

I'm late here, but I'm so glad everything with your husband turned out okay.

Jennifer said...

Congrats on being a NaNo winner!!!

Anonymous said...

The "dummies" and "idiots" guides are useful, aren't they? You know what else I found useful, as far as archaelogy? College textbooks. You can pick them up via second hand shops or BookMooch and they detail the procedures.