I remember when Equus played in my hometown, and I was of course disgusted by it (hey, I was a TWEENager for Cripe's sake) and today I'm still a little rattled by the premise. I guess this is such a HEFTY departure from his role as the boy wizard. Here he is with his equally naked co-star Johanna Christie:

Apparently his participation in this play has caused quite the uproar. There are parents who will "never let their kids watch any of his movies again, because he is their child's "role model" and they are aghast that he would take on such a role in the middle of the Harry Potter furor, etc. etc. etc.
I am of two minds on the subject: Part of me is screaming: Why the BLOODY hell would his parents allow him to do this? He's still a MINOR! For Pete's sake he has to pull the Full Monty and simulate sex!!! It's an OUTRAGE!!!
And the more liberal part of me is calmly saying that the fact is: he's an ACTOR. He's not really Harry Potter. It would be unfair to pigeonhole him as Harry for the rest of his life, and he's branching out into riskier roles at this point. Good on him.
Granted, I think the timing of his choice is unfortunate for his younger fans, but his crazed teen fans LOVE it (although I have a vague suspicion that it is only because they want to catch a glimpse of his Willy) and support him wholeheartedly.
I still wonder where his PARENTS are in this process?
I'm sorry, but I have to say it: if my UNDERAGE son came to me and said "Mom, I want to be in a play and cavort naked onstage in front of the world and simulate sexual pleasure from horses" I would lock him in his room until he came to his senses. I really would. Even if he had more money than Croesus. I wouldn't care. He's still my underage son.
Personally, believing what I believe, I'm disappointed. And a little sickened. But that's just me. My nine-year old daughter, for instance, just walked in behind me while I typed this blog and gasped at the picture I didn't mean for her to see. "Mom, why is Harry Potter naked? What is he doing?" I told her he only had his shirt off and it was from the movie where he was in the bath scene with Moaning Myrtle (okay, out of context that sounds kinda bad) and I felt awful that she had even SEEN it.
I know Daniel is growing up. I am just not ready for it. I think a lot of people out there are with me.