Our Irish "puppy" will be one year old July 4th!

The rants of a Mommy, Wife, Housekeeper, Laundry Guru (yes, I can get ANY stain out!), Head Nurse, Fridge Stocker, Boo-boo Kisser, Scout Mom, Embarrassing Cheerleader (at my kids' games), Glorified Chauffeur, Expert Microwaver, and yes, along with all that, WRITER!
Awwww! What a darling baby!
OHMYGOSH! He has gotten so big! What a cutie. Kiss his lil' head for me. :)
I recognise that cute we chap!!
Aren't they called King Charles Spaniels?
Yes, he's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (named after King Charles, who had a swarm of them around him at all times, and was even blamed for neglecting matters of State because he doted on his dogs so much).
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