Thursday, August 14, 2008

TWO Weeks...

...and my kiddos go back to school. We've registered, we've bought the clothes (can you say hello 80's all over again?) and although I love them dearly, and will miss the constant chaos...

I am SO ready for school to start! I want the house to stay clean for more than one hour. I want to hear the sound of silence once in a while. I want to be able to do what *I* want when the baby naps, as opposed to "Oh, the baby is asleep, Mom, do you want to (insert activity here) with me?"

I know, enjoy these years while I can. I agree wholeheartedly. But it will be nice to just have me and the little guy rattling around in the house 8 hours a day. My toilets will stay cleaner. That in itself is a GREAT thing...

I figured out why I'm such a zombie (thanks to a suggestion from Mik, another Olympics Enthusiast). It's because I'm staying up late watching the Olympics every night, and getting up early when Hubby wakes up at 5:45. So, we're talking under 5 hours of sleep a night. (Hubby gets home around 8pm at night lately, so we record the Olympics and in some cases, we don't even start watching them until 8:30 or 9:00. Hence the staying up until 1am or later...)

Last night, I had a hunch we wouldn't do well in the Men's Gymnastics all-around--so I went to bed "early" at 11:30. Hubby looked at me like I was crazy. (Hubby is OBSESSED with the Olympics.) But after four and a half hours, I'd had enough. I needed my sleep. So I went to bed. *BLISS*

This week has FLOWN by. Crazy. Thing One got invited to an impromptu sleepover last night, so I let her.

Oh, and SOCCER PRACTICE starts tonight! I got really lucky. The practices fell on Tues/Thurs/Friday, so on Monday and Wednesday nights, we're free and clear. Until Basketball starts up. Then I have no idea. But I'll cross that bridge...well, you know.

Happy Thursday! It's been one week exactly since I finished my story! I think I am going to start editing at the week and a half mark. I just can't wait!


Michelle Miles said...

I'm looking forward to school starting too. And soccer practice starts this weekend for us! First game is September 6. It's starting to gear up!

I went to bed, too! I actually feel... rested! haha

Anonymous said...

6:58 a.m. September 2nd, I will be happy dancing in the street. 14 gets on the school bus at that time, 9 is back into a daily schedule (unless I can convince him he REALLY, really wants to go to school this year) and my life will get back to NORMAL.