Thursday, August 18, 2005

Pics of My Jogging Route...

First off--here is a pic of the pathetic tree in front of my house. We planted this tree two summers ago. My whole neighborhood is like this. I have dubbed them "toothpick" trees. It's a fairly new neighborhood...(no laughing allowed!)

And here are the trees one neighborhood over: *sigh*

And here are the pics of my AWESOME jogging park that I mentioned before. This is a view of the footbridge, and you can see the trail...

The trail again...going into the trees...

Here's the lake. (It has been going down--we haven't had rain for a bit):

Another shot:

And back out to the street:

And that's it! It was overcast this morning and it looks like rain today--so the lake might fill up more. But I love that this spot is only 1/2 mile from my house! I would have posted these sooner but do you know how #&**!! HARD IT IS TO JOG WITH A CAMERA???

(I'm allergic to Fanny Packs so I guess it's my own fault--I break out in hives at the "thought" of wearing one...) ;-)


Michelle Miles said...

What LOVELY scenery! If I had a place that close to the house I MIGHT go jog/walk/run, too. (Oh, who am I kidding.. I wouldn't because it's always 5000 degrees here!)

And your house is GORGEOUS! Maybe that little tree with fill out soon. :)

Colin said...

What a fantastic house you have!! I hope Hagan doesn't pee against the tree - you kow what doggies are like. :-)

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a jogging trail like that. That must be so inspirational.

flowersfleurbelle said...

Nice blog! I jog too, and there is a great park near my house. I am finding I would rather read blogs than jog, but I am off to jog now. Keep up the nice
writing. Hello from California!

Ann said...

These are great pics!