Granted I've never liked watermelon and honeydew is "just OK." But Cantaloupe...ah, when it's just the right kind of ripe, there's nothing like it! Mmmmmm!
My friend Aimee, who lives in Istanbul, blogged about how they are giving away melons right now for practically nothing--I still have to pay $2.64 for one of them.
I had a crush on a very nearly perfect guy in high school, and I breathlessly waited as he wrote in my yearbook (his senior year, not mine) and when I got the book back, he'd written a poem about...MELONS. (Because we'd had lunch together a few days before, and I'd had a fruit tray, and told him I really liked melons, because I was a nervous self-concious mess and couldn't think of anything else to talk about...except melons.)
Yep, mortifying, I know. Hey, I was a sophomore. I was completely backwards! For years I wished I had the opportunity to do that lunch "over" with him. I would have actually flirted with him. I would have talked eloquently about books, movies, philosophy, music, and Life in general. NOT... MELONS. WHY COULDN'T I THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY??????!!!!!!
I felt better yesterday, but I was at the computer a LOT. Editing and revising. I think it's starting to "get somewhere." I am in debt to my crit partner, who patiently has sifted through my drivel (I have 280+ pages of it!) and she's not blind or complaining, yet. :-) I guess that's a good sign.
I can't believe it's friday--and Labor Day weekend! I hope everyone takes the time to play! Normally, I would remind you all about the "no white shoes after Labor Day" rule, but in today's fashion atmosphere, I think anything goes!
Except black tights with white shoes. Those were a no-no even when they weren't.
Yes, I was guilty of that infraction ONCE, in 9th grade. I wore a black skirt, black nylons, and WHITE shoes, because my sweater had a white stripe on the collar. I needed more white somewhere!
*sigh* And I could only talk about Melons with the guy I adored...