The rants of a Mommy, Wife, Housekeeper, Laundry Guru (yes, I can get ANY stain out!), Head Nurse, Fridge Stocker, Boo-boo Kisser, Scout Mom, Embarrassing Cheerleader (at my kids' games), Glorified Chauffeur, Expert Microwaver, and yes, along with all that, WRITER!
So, I decided to do something easy for the future--getting all the recipes for the Christmas confections we traditionally make, on ONE page for easy reference. Sure, I had to do nine-point font, but I got all six recipes on one page, and made it all cute. And I downloaded these cute Christmas fonts and gussied it up. So, I have the recipes for Christmas fudge, Hello Dollys, Candy-cane-shaped cookies, Brandy Balls, Sugar cookies and Gingerbread. All the good stuff. On the other side of the page I will have the candy that I make, too. I even have a great Christmas jello and egg nog recipe. (not together, they're separate recipes!) All on one page. Makes it easy--no hunting down recipes for me from now on! At least for the traditional stuff. I've started converting my messy recipe card box to laminated pages in a book anyway. It's a lot cleaner, and I don't have to worry about the cards not making it back to the box. (a common problem in our house!). They'll all be in one binder.
I am mad at Sprint. For some odd reason, their automated (and online) payment systems keep telling me my wonky Wisconsin address doesn't match my check card banking address. I have literally held the Sprint bill and the bank bill side-by-side, and they are an EXACT match, which really makes me stomping mad that I can't pay my bill online or over the phone. I have to physically DRIVE to a Sprint Store (none are close to my house) and pay the bill with a customer service person.
So, yesterday, I make the 20-minute drive to the nearest Sprint store and when I get there, they tell me they can't access my account because they're converting to the new system and no accounts are accessible. So, I have to come back another day to pay my bill.
AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! I hate driving so far, in SNOW AND ICE up to my ears with a baby in the car and lugging him in to pay a stupid bill I should be able to PAY ONLINE!!!!!
Okay. I need to calm down and blog about something else. Better yet, got to have a cup of Swiss Miss fat-free cocoa. (The yummy kind that comes with marshmallows.) I need to have a cup of Happiness before I drive all the way out there again. This Momma ain't happy.