And that's all I'm blogging about today because I'm still sick. Boo.
The rants of a Mommy, Wife, Housekeeper, Laundry Guru (yes, I can get ANY stain out!), Head Nurse, Fridge Stocker, Boo-boo Kisser, Scout Mom, Embarrassing Cheerleader (at my kids' games), Glorified Chauffeur, Expert Microwaver, and yes, along with all that, WRITER!
Boo! Bad sickness!
I shall try that suggestion. My weakness is peach cobbler.
Oh, and I find it funny that the word verification today is "sugar". Seriously not kidding. :D
I looks delish!
It's tough to get me to eat yogurt, but I love the Yoplait whips. Maybe I'll get adventurous and try one of these others.
Feel better soon.
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