Thursday, December 03, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time...

I have to say, truly, that this time of year--the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas-- is my favorite time of year, EVER. Hands down. Wow, what an awkward sentence. But you get my meaning. I LOVE this time of year! The Christmas stuff, the lights, the music, the FOOD, everything about this time is just...nostalgic and fun.

This year my church ward is doing something different--instead of having a potluck and gorging ourselves and having a "visit from Santa" where the kids ask for what they want, each family is bringing an entire Christmas dinner to be donated to a needy family, and "Santa" is arriving so we can give him all the food and send him on his way. I seriously think it is so cool. My church rocks. I just hope I'm not still sick on Saturday, or I won't be able to go! I feel awful! Bleah.

I need to go and buy myself some medicine.


Lee Anne said...

Feel better soon! Hope you make it Saturday---such a nice thing to do.

Devon Ellington said...

FEel better soon. I agree, your church's idea is fantastic!