Thursday, May 24, 2007

Shutting Down...

Well, it was inevitable, folks. I am sad to say that Ramblings of a Suburban Soccer Mom will be shutting down for a while. With the new baby and current demands on my time, computer time will be limited. It's not a choice at this point, unfortunately.
Apparently four children was the magic number for me to be officially overwhelmed. :-) What can I say? Supermom I'm not. But I'm trying! And one day I'll return! Just as soon as I get the hang of things.

I am grateful for all my readers and their comments and well wishes. You guys keep me going! Thanks everyone!



Unknown said...


Sniff, sniff. Tear.

Well, if Ramblings had to shut down, at least it's for an adorable cause. Thing 4 is tooo cute! (looks like like 3, in my opinion)

Good luck with everything...hope you get to blogging again sometime in the future!

PS--I have some free time this week and next if you ever need any help!

Colin said...


What's Colly going to do now????

Ann said...

Gonna miss Ramblings! This blog is so much fun!
But four kids - whew. I get exhausted just thinking about it.
Lotsa luck juggling it all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! You're awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck and hopefully you can get back online sometime soon.

Lowa said...

Oh no!

Well, I understand. When I had three was when it got hard for me. By my fourth, it was a breeze. So I am impressed with how you have done so far!

Please come back as soon as you can!

E-mail me if you need advice on four kids. Since I live it every day, I can possibly be of some help:)

Take care:)

Michelle Miles said...

Your blog will be very missed. Hurry back soon. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But I want your thoughts on the Harry Potter Them Park! How is thing four?


Anonymous said...

Come back soon. We miss you!