See this? Brownie points to anyone who can guess what it is. And I just ordered myself one.
Yep. Total loser.

**UPDATE** My mom just called me and asked me if it was a "bug." LOL
okay, here's a hint:

The rants of a Mommy, Wife, Housekeeper, Laundry Guru (yes, I can get ANY stain out!), Head Nurse, Fridge Stocker, Boo-boo Kisser, Scout Mom, Embarrassing Cheerleader (at my kids' games), Glorified Chauffeur, Expert Microwaver, and yes, along with all that, WRITER!
It looks like a pendant perfume bottle. I have a few of those from various vintage places, though not that shape and style.
However, I suspect it has something to do with TWILIGHT?
Whatever it is, it's pretty.
Necklace? Or is that too obvious...
Nope! NOT Twilight!!!
It IS a necklace!
Something tells me I've missed the point here in a typically blokeish kind of way.
I have no idea who that actress/character is or what it's from. Oh, well. ;)
She looks vaguely familiar.
Is it the sort of thing Angelina Jolie would wear around her neck to hold her husband's blood?
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