Tuesday, March 13, 2012

To Pinterest...or NOT to Pinterest...

I won't lie--Pinterest is pretty dang cool. I liked the idea from the start, that's why I signed up. But then I got busy. I mean, I have a book coming out, soccer practices, a household to run, scouts, church activities, thank heaven BASKETBALL finally ended, I have so much going on during the day (and I already am on Facebook, which sucks away some of the time) I just don't think I can do one more thing. For example: The Hunger Games. Everyone has read it. Everyone is foaming at the mouth to see the movie. I fired up the Kindle two weeks ago, got through 30 pages of the Hunger Games and put it down, and I haven't picked it up again. I just don't have time! So, if I don't have time to even read a book that everyone says I should read, how will I have time to Pinterest? (Is that even a verb? I think it is!)


Pinterest is so...COOL! I've seen my friends on it. My sis-in-law showed me cool things on it. It is very very COOL! I want to do it! But, once I start, will it be a major vehicle of Time Suckage? Will I get even less done than I do now? I am not a very good juggler. This you all know. I can't do several things at once. It's just not my forte.

Hmmm....decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

Brenda said...

My friends do it as well. I'm NOT about to get hooked. Stay strong, girl!