I know all of you are sick of hearing how much in love I am with my Mac, but I realized something yesterday, as I was in the dentist office, watching my little Thing Four playing around with my iPod Touch. He maneuvers it quite deftly, and the receptionist and I were talking about the lack of technology we had as kids when we were growing up.
And then I realized/remembered my first experience with a computer. I was in 5th grade, and there was a little room off of the main classroom, and twice a week, I got half an hour to go into that little room, where a little white box with a screen sat, with a keyboard, and I could play a great little game called Apple Logo.

There was this little triangle (we called it a turtle) and you could type in commands and make it draw a line. I could make it go forwards and backwards and draw a shape with it and it was the COOLEST thing ever. I was in love with this little computer! In fact, I always got upset when my (too short!) time was up.
So, my first computer experience ever, was with a Mac! How fitting it is, that now I've come full circle. Because my last computer will be a Mac. I'm still just as much in love as I was that first time. Of course, my Mac Attack (so I've named it) looks a little different:

I can only imagine what the computers my kids will use, will look like. Frankly, I think they'll all have computers in their heads someday, a la "Chuck" and THAT scares me, but it could happen.
Anything is possible. I can see it now: In twenty years, Apple will come out with "iBrain," the little chip that you can surgically insert into your cerebral cortex that will let you be a super computer who can speak 13 languages and deconstruct a string of DNA with a pencil and a piece of paper, or something.
Like I said, Anything is possible. And Scary.