Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Got Guns??

Little, Brown unveiled the new "New Moon" book cover today. Okay, I know little Taylor Lautner is only 17 years old, but DAYUM, the boy looks pretty good! Look at those arms! From what I heard, it isn't Photoshop, either. (Well, I'm sure the Wolf tat is...)
Let me just say, I knew ZERO 17-year olds at my high school as buff as him.


Well, maybe....one.

1 comment:

Lowa said...

Wow, you are right. Doesn't look bad. My son is almost 17 and his arms are not like that...but his 14 year old brother's are close! LOL

My Jock just turned 14 yesterday, has already gone through three girlfriends and has about 12 more after him...girls give him their #'s at the mall, etc. We really need to get him into modeling, it has been suggested enough...

Lord give me strength...I thought I only had to worry about my daughter until this one started getting all buff with the pecs and guns and all...*sniffle*