Thursday, September 21, 2006

Caught a Break...

Thanks, everyone, for all your well wishes. At least I can talk freely about the baby now. But I promise to keep complaints to a minimum. Complaints, you ask?
Yes, complaints such as "okay I am sooooo sick and not just in the mornings it's ALL DANG DAY" and "yes, I am SO looking forward to the day I have Cankles again."

Yeah, those kinds of complaints.

Well, we had a break in the weather. It was crisp and sunny this morning, so I did my three miles and I feel great.

Last night I sat down and pulled up all my WIPs, and broke them down, by which one I should work on the most, which one was the most marketable, which one shouldn't see the light of day, etc. The clear winners were EMMA AND FINN and THE PRINCESS COOKBOOK TEST. Although THE SECRET OF ELLIE CRUMB was a close third. I think I'll just work on all three as I feel like it. I get bored with stories quickly (aka STUCK) and so it will help that I have three I'm working on. I'll just write what I feel like on them.

So, mission accomplished. Now I need to figure out how next week is going to work. It's going to be interesting, to say the least. Ooops, I almost spilled the beans! Not yet. The time isn't right. But when the time is right, I'll spill.

Lets just say that life is going to get REALLY crazy really soon. I welcome the craziness. It keeps me on my toes.

And now I'm going to welcome a shower...


Lowa said...

Complain all you want! I am totally impressed that you went running. I would barley move during my pregnancies, for fear of barfing on everyone and everything. Didn't matter, I still did. I have NO IDEA why they call it "morning sickness". I had a window from 11 am to 2 pm where I did NOT puke, the rest of the day, I puked. That was the first 5 months. The last few months, I only puked a few times a day, it was LOVELY!

I bet your kids are excited, eh?? My daughter WISHES I was pregnant.

Sounds awesome on what you are working on. Hope I get to read them some day!!!

Lara said...

Oh, no no no no, I don't "run" the three miles. I speed walk.
I never actually puke. But I get that near-puking feeling, ALL DAY.
Guess I shouldn't complain. ;-)

Ann said...

whoo-hoo - official congrats! Four kids, huh? You are a very brave soul.
And that's great that EMMA is one of your top books.

Lowa said...

Wog. Run. Walk. Jog. No matter. Fact is you left the house and MOVED. I am still in my PJs and I am not even pregnant! LOL

I tell you I am impressed. I bet sometimes you WISH you could puke, eh??

I am kinda jealous of you...happy for you...but jealous. I don't know if us women EVER get over the craving for babies, do we???

Lara said...

You're probably right.