Speaking of iPhones, I've decided the "auto word correct" option can be embarrassing. I was texting New Good Friend yesterday, and she was having a trying day. She suggested going out to icecream, and I suggested "Or go for pedis!" As in PEDICURES. So, I send the text and put the phone down and happen to glance at it and I SCREAM. Instead, my phone had read "pedis" as an incorrect word and automatically inserted another word. So the final result was:
"Or go for penis!!"
You can imagine my mortified mad scramble to immediately text her and say I didn't mean to put that word and no I don't want her to think I'm some perverted wierdo, blah blah blah. Luckily she had a good laugh over it and all is well. But any of you who have iPhones, go ahead and type "Get Pedis" in text and you'll see what the phone does. I'm an unwitting VICTIM I tell you! A victim of Auto Correct!!!
Yeah, I know. But it wasn't so funny yesterday.
I hope everyone has a happy Wednesday. I need me some Pepsi Max.