Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wednesday, Part II

Here's a trip down Memory Lane--I was Spring Cleaning and dug up this old picture--this was the very first house Hubby and I owned--in Texas. We built it and we were so excited to finally have a house after four years of apartment living--with two children. My kids called it "The Apple House" because we selected this hideous apple border for the kitchen (hey, we had been looking at wallpaper samples for THREE hours, we were under duress!). But we changed the border after looking at it for a year.
Aahh, memories. I really loved that house. I think there's something special about your first house.

1 comment:

Lowa said...

Wow, it is beautiful!

Our first house after years of apartment living was SO CUTE.

White picket fence, big front porch. My dream house. Will have to blog about it.

Thanks for the idea!!!

You are right, there is certainly something special about a first one.