Thursday, January 08, 2009

Late posting today because I'm just...tired. Had a restless night for some reason, and had to get the kids up earlier than normal. Lack of sleep never goes well with me. Unless it's for a reason, like a brand-new baby or something like that. But when I just "don't sleep" it wreaks havoc on my day.

We got a couple inches of snow last night, ON TOP of the ice, so now, it's lethal. The kids of course ignored my warnings of the driveway and slid down it SEVERAL times before running to their bus stop this morning. Turkeys. Wait till one of them falls. Then they won't be laughing so hard...

I have been heavily editing my NaNo story. I gave it a solid month off, before I even looked at it again, and now I'm in the stage where I sit at the computer with my hands over my mouth in horror at the rubbish I'm reading. ;-)

Well, when your fingers are flying and you're basically doing a "freewrite" you don't have time to go back and correct your punctuation, grammar and spelling. You're getting the idea OUT, and that's good enough.

Now I have a hefty mess of garbledygook to unravel and piece into a coherent story, but I'm actually enjoying it. I have set a deadline of March 1st, to have it polished up and ready to either submit or stuff in a drawer. I'll figure out which I should do after I'm done.

January is so...EH. You're stuck with the fallout from Christmas (paying bills was never fun anyway) and the weather is gloomy and gray, and unless you enrolled your kids in Winter sports, there really isn't anything remotely motivating. Because New Years Resolutions are usually broken within the first week, heh heh...

Thing Four is down for his nap, so I'm "back to the page" as my good friend Devon would say...

OH, and Thing One surprised me this morning. I woke her up at 6am, she showered and blow-dryed her hair and styled it all by herself. It was very cute. She actually liked the way it felt to do it herself, so now, we may be on to a new trend of independence. Hooray! We'll see how it goes for now...


Michelle Miles said...

I've been having restless nights, too. It's not fun.

I'm glad we're both back to writing/editing! GO US! :)

Aimee said...

Me too on the restless nights! Is it a moon thing? Stress thing? Way early pre-menopausal thing?